The Empath’s Survival Guide

Hosted by Dr. Judith Orloff

Program Details


It’s a tremendous gift to be an empath—but if you haven’t learned to regulate your gifts and set strong boundaries, the energy you absorb from others can lead to depression, anxiety, addiction, and other health concerns. As an empath, Judith Orloff developed many effective strategies to deal with the inherent challenges of exceptional sensitivity, that she uses and teaches patients.

For Judith to thrive as a psychiatrist and an empath, she needed these strategies to work or she would experience sensory overload or burn out. She created The Empath’s Survival Guide Online Course as a companion to her book The Empath’s Survival Guide and as a hands-on resource for learning the essential skills you need to become healthy and empowered in a world that is often coarse, heartless, and disdainful of being sensitive.

Judith calls this course a “survival guide,” but survival is only the first step. It’s her mission to make sure empaths like you get what they need to survive and thrive—particularly as we move out of quarantine and the pandemic.

Your gifts are needed so much today. Empaths and sensitive people are on the forefront of a new way of being for humankind.

Empaths have many marvelous traits - huge hearts and the instinct to help others in need. Empaths are passionate, caring, creative, in touch with their emotions, and able to see the big picture. They have exceptional attunement to the natural world and a great capacity for spiritual awakening. We hope you’ll join Judith on this journey to discover your true power and potential as an empath.

Course Includes

Eight Hours of Video Learning Sessions: Dr. Orloff shares insights and practices for overcoming the challenges of being a highly sensitive person—and unlocking your unique empathic gifts—in these prerecorded video sessions  

Downloadable Sessions and Transcripts: Lifetime access to the teaching sessions, guided practices, and full transcripts

Bonus #1—The Empath’s Survival Guide Ebook: Dr. Orloff’s breakthrough book for empaths who want to develop coping skills in a high-stimulus world while embracing their gifts of intuition, compassion, creativity, and spiritual connection (Reg. price $15)

Bonus #2—Thriving as an Empath Audio Download: An unabridged audio of Dr. Orloff’s guide for 365 days of self-care meditations, reflections, and journaling suggestions as daily inoculations against stress and overwhelm (Reg. price $17)

ABOUT Dr. Judith Orloff

Judith Orloff, MD is a psychiatrist in private practice in Los Angeles and on the psychiatric clinical faculty at UCLA. She specializes in treating and supporting empaths and highly sensitive people, synthesizing the pearls of conventional medical wisdom with cutting-edge knowledge of intuition, spirituality, and energy medicine. Dr. Orloff is a New York Times bestselling author whose works include The Empath’s Survival Guide, Emotional Freedom, and Positive Energy.

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    “Stop protesting the hand you’ve been dealt. Becomes partners with your life instead of making it an exhausting wrestling match”

    — Dr. Judith Orloff